
Collaboration between the
public academy and pharmaceuticals

Supported by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)

Research for the development of
precision medicine strategies

Investigating systemic
autoimmune diseases…

Systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis, Sjögren’s syndrome,
rheumatoid arthritis, primary antiphospholipid syndrome , mixed connective tissue disease

  • Welcome to PRECISESADS

    PRECISESADS is an EU project formed by 21 academic, 2 SMEs and 5 industrial partners from 12 countries spread right across Europe, planned for 5 years with a budg...
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  • UPDATE! News & Events

    IV European Conference “Genomics of Complex Diseases: New Challenges”,
    Granada, Spain, October 4-5, 2018. Registration deadline: 10th of Sept. 2018
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  • PRECISESADS Partner profile

    CING The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics (CING), was established in 1990. The Vision of CING is to function as an International Centre of Excellence.
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Inflammatory autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus affect 1-3% of the population, and while treatments exist, these are costly and have a number of serious side effects. There is growing evidence that many of these conditions may be incorrectly classified. The PRECISESADS project will study 2 500 people with various autoimmune diseases, gathering data on the molecular causes of their disease as well as their clinical symptoms. Using this information, they will pave the way for a new classification of these diseases, something that will allow doctors to offer patients more personalised treatments at an earlier stage of their disease.


Latest Project News

    • 25 JAN 18
    • 0
    PRECISESADS General Assembly

    PRECISESADS General Assembly

    The next PRECISESADS project meeting will take place on the 8th – 9th of March, 2018 in Ascot, UK.   AGENDA  you can register for this event at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RWDBLRS

    • 13 NOV 17
    • 0
    Patient recruitment completed

    Patient recruitment completed

    “We are delighted to report that we have over-achieved our recruitment targets for this project. Patient recruitment can be especially difficult as patients are widely dispersed and may face issues, such as physical limitations, that can affect their ability to readily participate” says Prof Alarcón Riquelme. ‘Patients have been highly motivated and generously willing to


    • 04/10/2018

    IV European Conference “Genomics of Complex Diseases: New Challenges”

    IV European Conference:   “Genomics of Complex Diseases: New Challenges”    Granada, Spain, October 4-5, 2018 Welcome The PRECISESADS Project…

    • 07/03/2018
      Ascot, UK
    Group pic edited

    PRECISESADS General Assembly

    The next PRECISESADS project meeting will take place on the 8th – 9th of March, 2018 in Ascot, UK. (AGENDA)…

    • 26/11/2017

    LACA 2017

    "Novel Therapies in Autoimmune Diseases"​ LACA 2017, the 5th Latin American Congress on Autoimmunity will be held in the serene…

  • Information for Patients & Patients Associations

    General information, list of patients associations, …

Project partners